Monday, September 1, 2014

Proper Grocery Store Etiquette-2

Okay everybody here it goes. The Gull is Back again to discuss proper grocery store etiquette. Because of the horrible and nonsensical stuff I have seen while in a grocery store things have really ruffled my feathers. I will be discussing a few points of interests that really grind my gears.  If you are a delicate, sheltered, sensitive, easily offended individual than I suggest you get your sorry little prissy self important pansy ass out now! Oh wait, it's too late. You have already been offended if the above pertains to you. I make no apologies because I am the notorious Gull!

Okay, if you walk up to a deli or service counter of any kind do yourself and others a favor. When it is your turn to order get the hell off of your freakin cell phone you self important ridiculous moron!

Somebody is trying to serve you, yet you are acting like they are interrupting your freakin phone call. If you are ready to order get the hell off you phone and quit being a self important douch bag. Don't you dare try to stand there and shoosh the person who is trying to serve you because you cannot seem to take a few minutes away from your precious conversation.

Finally be patient. Sometimes custom service can take a while. If you don't have the patience to wait go and buy pre packaged items that you don't have to wait for.

Final words. Basically just try to use your brain and a little respect and common decency while shopping. It will make easier on both you the consumer and the hard workers that are trying their best to provide you with quality service. Hopefully I haven't offended 79.9 percent of you with this blog, if so that is just too bad. Haha, the Gull strikes again!

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