Friday, October 3, 2014

Pets In Grocery Stores Or Restaurants?

The Gull is back to discuss irritable topics among other things. I have many people upset in my time with my opinions and frankly I really don't give a damn. Don't attempt to sensor me and tell me what I can and cannot say, and to whom I can say it to. I will continue to speak my mind how and when I want to whether people like it or not. With that out of the way here we go.

As you might know the sign to your left if pretty self explanatory to even the most intelligence challenged of individuals. Even if you can't read you can still see the photo.

NO PETS ALLOWED. This is what is says. We are talking an actual service animal that is a always a dog, not a pig, rabbit, snake or lizard, that is individually trained to aid and assist physically, mentally, or sensory disabled people. This is different from a "therapy dog" that is not honored by the statement on the sign.

So why are people just bringing their pets into food establishments that are not valid service animals at all? "He's my life companion." I heard a person say to defend bringing invalid animals into the store. "I'm depressed." Another said in defense as to why they are bringing an invalid non-service dog into food establishments.

You mean to tell me that you are so depressed you cannot afford to go to a store without your pet for just 30 minutes out of your day? Why don't we just convert our grocery stores to third world food markets where they have live goats, pigs, sheep, and other animals parading around the aisle while people shop?

Here is a message to all of you who bring your invalid pets into food establishments. LEAVE YOUR FREAKIN PETS AT HOME. Ahh...I feel a little bit better. To you idiotic store managers at these establishments who claim you cannot ask why your customers are bringing Chihuahuas in their grocery carts. Obviously if a customer is bringing a dog inside and placing it inside of a cart, this is not a service dog. It is providing no service to its owner or anyone else at this point. You have the right to enforce your "No Pet Policy."

So people, have some decency and stop bringing your lizards, snakes, pigs, birds or whatever into stores other than pet stores. If you would like to respond to anything that I have stated above in this blog please leave a comment below. If you are a food worker who feels the same as I do about this subject please voice your own opinion below. THE GULL HAS SPOKEN.

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